Friday 28 August 2015

The Nonsense Ballad of My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Is smaller than my mum.
She wasn’t smaller yesterday,
And no one knows what’s wrong.

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Just shrinks and shrinks and shrinks.
She’s going at a shocking rate,
We don’t know what to think.

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Is getting smaller still.
My daddy said to stretch her out.
And John proposed a pill.

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Is just as small as me.
My mum said she should have a drink,
And Aunty Jill agreed.

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Just won’t stop getting shorter.
My granddad put her in a pot,
And fed her light and water.

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Is getting really small.
My cousin said to give her stilts,
And that would make her tall!

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Can’t shrink anymore!
She’s nearly as short as my brother Jack,
And he’s only just turned four!

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Is smaller than the cat.
My sister nearly trod on her,
And nearly made her flat!

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Is as tiny as a toy.
We use her as a Lego piece,
To bring us fun and joy!

My Nana Hannah Lucy Mae
Has vanished into air!
We think she must be somewhere here,

We really don’t know where.

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