Friday 28 August 2015

If the World was Made of Chocolate

If the world was made of chocolate
I would eat the world right up,
If the rivers flowed with Fanta
I would take a great big cup,
If the sun was golden syrup,
And the moon a moony pie,
I would gobble up the sun,
And I’d give the moon a try,
If the trees were made of toffee,
And the leaves were Brighton rock,
I would eat the leaves for breakfast,
And I’d guzzle toffee block,
Then I’d eat the cherry flowers,
And I’d lick the lolly plants,
I would suck up strawberry worms,
And I’d nibble raspberry ants,
I would roll around in butter,
I would eat the poppy jam,
And the daisies made of cream,
And the candy beaver dam,
If the world was made of chocolate,
I would eat up the whole lot,
And then I’d have no place to live,

So I’m sort of glad it’s not.

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